The choice to use coconut oil obviously has nothing to do with cost, as the price is triple or more the price of vegetable, canola, or butter. In truth it was a personal decision based on the fact that I love the taste of coconut. I had also heard that it was very good for you. From all facts that I've collected so far, I would say that it appears to be true. Like most things I think it's important to not over do it, but in managed quantities it is said to have anti-aging properties, anti-cancer abilities, thyroid stimulating thus weight loss possibilities, and it is a saturated fat that may actually break down more healthfully in your body than other oils.
If all this is true, well it sure would make me feel much better about the cost but beyond that, I think really do think it's the coconut oil that gives these little "yum nuggets" their extremely unique texture and taste! It also extends the shelf life, which you will never hear me complain about! Here's a link to check out. I'm not sure who's in charge of this site so it could be rather biased in favor of coconut oil (its in the title!) but its probably a good place to start if you are interested in knowing more!
Coconut OIL